Fact and Fancy
A Pair of Installations Featuring Jana Rumberger and Danielle Schlunegger
16 May – 21 June 2014
Aggregate Space Gallery is pleased to present Fact and Fancy, a coupling of artists who rewrite, as well as aestheticize history. Danielle Schlunegger will present interactive works from The Marcus Kelli Collection, the record of an unknown 19th century amateur naturalist left undocumented except for by the artist. Jana Rumberger will display a series of tapestry-like paintings revisiting the iconography of the rabbit as an anthropomorphic arbiter of good and evil. Both works exist in a focused but fabricated historical space made emotionally believable.
Opening Reception
16 May 5-9pm
First Friday Event
6 June 6-10pm
Second Saturday Artist Talk
14 June 11am
Gallery Hours
Saturdays 1-5pm
Featherboard Writing Series Reading and Reception
Featuring Writer-in-Residence Erika Staiti
21 June 6pm