A Tempting Fate:
Inevitability and Scientific Fortune
1 March – 16 March 2013
Featuring works by Kate Gilmore, Chris Kennedy, Ranu Mukherjee, Syd Staiti with AVaspo (Gabriele Labanauskaite and Antanas Dombrovskij), Gail Wight, and Doug Garth Williams.
Aggregate Space Gallery presents a group show featuring time-based media surveying our ever-unfolding exploration of human nature and technology. Each project describes the clarity, and sometimes chaos, that occurs as an organized body of knowledge is dissected and rebuilt in the visual language of science. Together, in A Tempting Fate, these pieces form a hopeful but anxious manifestation of future possibilities.
Opening Reception
1 March 6-10pm
Featherboard Writing Series
Reading and Reception
16 March 5pm